The web version of Companion (Play) allows you to connect a mocked companion device while working in Unity. You can also use the web version of play to connect to a Gameboard locally.


If you navigate to the Play url with the added url paramete of a mock board ID along with the property sim set to true, you are able to see a simulator of play. This is not connected to any game, but a sandbox for testing various play interactions.

Pressing the M key twice will also reveal a Simulate button that allows the following actions:


NOTE: This works best if your game sets the property Run in Background to true, otherwise messages are only sent/received when the unity editor is focused. Edit > Project Settings > Resolution and Presentation > Resolution > Run In Background


Now your Play on the web should be connected to your game! You can now send and receive messages from the simulated Companion (Play) instance.

Enable Developer Mode


Find your board's Id and IP address


Open a drawer on your Gameboard

Navigate to Play on the web

Navigate to the following url (notice it is http instead of https) on the web with the following updated:{boardId}&wsUrl=ws%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.182:8000&seatKey=0